Firefly from Alemba
Using innovative touch technology, Alemba’s Firefly Application is a first for the IT Service Management market. Designed to run on iPads or desktop browsers, Firefly allows both end-users and support officers to interact with an Enterprise-grade ITSM system. Using a host of custom controls appropriate for a 21st Century ITSM interface, you will find Firefly packed with sliders, kiosk buttons, Buddy Bubbles and auto-scrollers.
Firefly Officer:
Allow your officers to manage their call queues in a totally new way. Designed from the ground up to have a zero learning curve, Firefly puts all the information you need at your fingertips. Using advanced ergonomic techniques, Firefly ensures that the next move is always obvious and removes the need to memorise menu lists or multiple levels of navigation. This makes it ideal for second or third line support staff that may use the ITSM software less frequently than their first lines colleagues.
Officers can build and save advanced searches in minutes. Saved searches are subsequently available at click and can be further filtered and grouped with ease. Searches operate all the entities on your Service Desk – Incident, Problems, Change Requests, Tasks and Service Requests.
Firefly Portal:
Give your end-users an unprecedented view of the IT service desk. Again, simplicity is the key but as the interface is highly slick and modern, they will want to come back again and again. Users can log and review calls and requests and will be presented with a dashboard showing all Major Incidents open on the desk as well as news bulletins and personal updates on calls they have logged previously.
As well as this, the Firefly Reporting Cube gives an immediate view of whether current (and past) calls are hitting performance commitments.